A friend test out the following as I have shared:



And the following is what he get.






Scientific measurable sensing and method are needed to help those who are suffering and struggling.

That’s why I am inviting main stream university research lab to carry out realistic objects research on these, that way those who suffer and struggle can have a way to help themselves.

Think about it, when AI is going to impact our way of making a living to feed our family. What do we have to help ourselves to face the new challenge? Believe and wishful thinking and woo woo meditation can’t do a thing without realistic technology. Our human ancestors have thousand of years of experince which back by big data, and now we can evoke them to help us in a scientific, effective and efficient way.

Also, we need to now the way to be able to reverse our problem instead of doom in the hopeless and helplessness.

And, Digital medicine with AI is capable to help us human to tune our life with four layers, six areas of concern, and calmness-awareness Map if we use it properly, that will help us to change our life style scientifically and a live happier life.

2 thoughts on “Digital health or meditation has to based on Scientific and result. And one has to put the effort.

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